How much salary you can expect after pursuing Digital Marketing Course?
Digital marketing skills are the most in demand competencies companies are looking for.
Every third job in the world is rolling out of Internet industry.
The different job roles
Companies are readily offering great packages for skillful candidates. There are different job roles available within digital marketing department like PPC analyst, social media analyst, content marketing executive, email marketing executive, seo expert etc.
The salary growth
The pay packages and the growth in digital marketing industry depends upon how much skills you acquire. An industry average salary estimate is given below for freshers, but after few years in the industry as you grow up to managerial position and to the head of departments, you can literally make up to 30 - 40 lakhs per annum. In simple words sky is the limit in digital marketing Industry.
The Global Career
Another aspect of digital skills is that it is recognizable and valid through out the world. People who are looking for career abroad, can apply for the job positions outside India as well. All the digital platforms run without geographical boundaries, for example Google works exactly same way it works in India as it works in United States, UK or Australia. The basics of running the digital tools are same, so the skills can be applied anywhere in the world. Companies outside India happily appoint candidates with right experience and proven track records.
All you need to do is to start your digital marketing career and with time raise your digital marketing skills for growth and success.
