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Future of digital marketing in India

E-commerce has grown leaps and bounds in India as an Industry in last decade.

Back bone of e-commerce definitely is the power of Internet and the advertisement channels present on Internet nowadays. With more and more usage of social media like Facebook, Twitter and the usage of search engines for our daily needs, India has become the favorite digital marketing for the world.

Watch the video below to know some stats of the Indian Internet Industry

It is this change in the technology and behavior patterns which drives whole marketing Industry.

It has been seen in the past that ....

The companies which do not grow with the time or do not adapt the change quickly enough will have to suffer losses.

Or sometimes might go out the business as well.

Same is the condition with the students, job seekers and aspiring entrepreneurs as well

Here is some expert advice on Digital marketing as a career option for freshers/ students and job seekers

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